Entries by admin

University of Louisville Panamá participate en Marketing Trends Expo

Marketing TrendsExpo is an unique regional event, it’s about the latest tendencies of marketing that gathers for 2 days Marketing Executives, Publicity, Sales and Public Relations of the highest profile in leading industry companies. In the event there will be conferences, workshops and lectures by experst in different areas; the event will take place the […]

May 14th 2015 – International Conference: Multicultural Aspects in Project Administration

The International Conference: “Multicultural Aspects in Project Administration”, under the spokesman Juan Carlos Andreu, Expert Senior Consultant in Project Administration and Professor of the Univerisdad Politécnica de Madrid, will cover the following objectives: Recognize cultural differences in project administrators in several countries and continents. Provide recommendations for a better integration of cultural differences in projects . […]

April 16th 2015 – Information session in Manager Engeneering Master and Construction Master

Information Session in both Masters on Thursday april 16th 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in University of Louisville Panama. Know all the advantages and attributes of the Masters Program that we offer in collaboration with the  University of Louisville and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Manager Engineering Master Construction Master Contact: Mary Bella Del Mar en maestrías@qlu.ac.pa [button color=”red” […]

March 26th 2015 – Information Session on Management Engineering and Construction Masters

Information on Masters on March 26th 2015 at 6.30 pm in the University of Louisville Panama. Know all advantages and attributes of Masters Programs that we offer in collaboration with the University of Louisville y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Management Engineering Master Construction Master Contact: Mary Bella Del Mar en maestrías@qlu.ac.pa [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-sesion-informativa-de-maestria-en-ingenieria-gerencial-y-maestria-en-construccion-16314588373″ target=”blank” ]¡Reserva […]

May 2014 – Begins the Marketing Master in Universidad de Chile

On this days marketing and its development areas are key in strategic planing and the process in decision making in every company. Determined actions to achieve success of a company that you may acquire with the Marketing Master: Know the consumer, market and the competition. Develop a powerful brand and corporate image. Develop and manage […]

March 26th 2015 – Free Conference: Strategic Planification and Project Administration

International Conference this Thursday May 26th 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in University of Louisville Panamá. Understand the importance of methodologies to efficiently achieve the estrategic objectives of the organization. Executive Education: capacitacion@qlu.ac.pa [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”https://qlu.ac.pa/english//executive-education/?p=3706″ target=”blank” ]¡Reserva tu cupo ya![/button]

April 28th 2015 – Information session in Manager Ingeneering Master and Construction Management Master

Information Session in both Masters on april 28th 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in University of Louisville Panama. Know all the advantages and attributes of the Masters Program that we offer in collaboration with the  University of Louisville and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, summarizing Manager Ingeneering Master and Construction Management Master. Contact: Mary Bella Del Mar en maestrías@qlu.ac.pa […]

May 20th 2015 – Marketing Master Information

Reunion for Marketing Master Information on may 20th 2015, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Crowne Plaza, Salón Tulipanes, Panamá. Know all the advantages and atributes of the Program Marketing Master that we offer in collaboration with the University of Chile. Contact: Ana Villar en uchile.qlu@gmail.com [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-25-de-mayo-de-2015-sesion-informativa-de-maestria-en-mercadeo-16897055548″ target=”blank” ]¡Reserva tu cupo ya![/button]

University of Louisville Panamá participa en Marketing Trends Expo

Marketing Trends es un evento único en la región, sobre actualización en las últimas tendencias del marketing; que reúne durante 2 días a Ejecutivos de Mercadeo, Publicidad, Ventas y Relaciones Públicas del más alto perfil en empresas líderes de la industria. El evento cuenta con conferencias, talleres y clases magistrales de la mano de expertos […]