Bachelor of Science in
International Business
Global trade is growing at an extraordinary speed and it is influencing the way companies do business, it is of utmost importance to understand different cultures and how business is carried out abroad. Students majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in International Business (BS in International Business) in academic agreement with Illinois State University will acquire the skills necessary to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the global marketplace and develop an understanding of the strategies used by multinational companies and how to manage an intercultural environment
Bachelor of Science in International Business
Bachelor’s degree offered in English language, entirely in Panama in academic collaboration between Illinois State University and Quality Leadership University.
(CTDA 177-2018)
What can you do with a degree in International Business?
- Doing business internationally.
- Train your company with a global orientation.
- Executive of multinational companies.
- Professional in organizations that require proficiency in English.
- Work in positions that require traveling the world.
- Executives in international banks.
- International sales or purchasing executive
- Professional in the areas of marketing, finance, human resources, operations, economics, logistics, transportation, international trade and others.
- International business consultant
- Work in embassies, international organizations, consultancies, and international media agencies.
• Application form (Download form)
• Final high school credits with a minimum GPA average of 2.5/4.0 (American system) or 3.2/5.0 (Panamanian system).
• Copy of the high school diploma.
• TOEFL Minimum of 550 PBT or 79 IBT (ETS code 1838) or IELTS 6.5.
• Copy of ID or passport.
Application Form (Download form)
• Official credits from all previous universities attended with a minimum average of 2.0/4.0 (American Universities) or 1.5/3.0 (Panamanian Universities)
• Copy of the high school diploma.
• TOEFL Minimum of 550 PBT or 79 IBT (ETS code 1838) or ENGL101-College Writing in official transcripts with minimum C note.
• Copy of ID or passport.
Application and Enrollment: $220.00
Ed. Gen. 100 Orientation to University Life
Psych. 201 Introduction to Psychology
Mat. 111 College Algebra
English 101 Introduction to College Writing
Com. 112 Professional and Business oral skills
Hist. 102 History of Panama
English 102 Intermediate College Writing and Writing
Geo. 200 Environmental Studies
Biol. 102 Introduction to Biological Sciences
Biol. 104 Introduction to Biological Sciences Laboratory
Info System 100 Microcomputer Applications
Cont. 201 Accounting Principles I
SPAN 323 Spanish
Mat. 180 Introduction to Calculus
English 306 Writing for Business
Cont. 202 Accounting Principles II
Theater. 324 Acting
C. Pol. 399 Political Aspects of Latin America
Geo 101 Geography of Panama
Fil. 325 Ethics in Business
Adm 201 Business Statistics
Econ. 201 Principles of Microeconomics
Fil. 311 Introduction to Logic
Econ. 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
Syst. Inf. 300 Computer Information Systems
Leg. C. 301 Legal Environment in Business
Adm. 401 Operations Management
Adm. 361 Introduction to Management
Merc. 301 Marketing Principles
Fin. 301 Corporate Finance
Adm. 375 International Business
Adm. 340 Entrepreneurship
Merc. 355 Market Research
Lit. 340 Global Literature
ECON 320 Comparison of Economic Policies
Fin. 335 International Finance
Merc. 405 Global Marketing
Adm. 443 Project Administration
Leg. C 361 International Commercial Law
Adm. 360 Administration of Emp. Multinationals
Merc. 480 Graduation Project
Adm. 470 Global Strategy