GOAL ACCOMPLISHED! – MBA Students Successfully Complete the Curriculum

This past Saturday, 10th of October, we celebrated with the thirty (30) professionals that formed part of the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) program that we offer in academic agreement with the University of Chile. The 2014-2015 class satisfactorily completed the curriculum (16 subjects in 18 months) and now are elaborating their Business Plan.

During the event, the students shared anecdotes and wonderful memories in the company of Oscar Leon (President of QLU), Professor Torres (Marketing Manager), Professor Jose Sapag (Project Manager) and Professor Mauricio Jara (Financial Theory).

On behalf of QLU and the University of Chile, CONGRADULATIONS Students!

MBA - Fin de Programa - UCHILE - QLU - Maestrias Panama

MBA Students, Class of 2014 -2015. Program offered in academic agreement with the University of Chile.


Estudiantes MBA (izquierda a derecha): Patricia Boada, Eduardo Mora, Óscar Kolster.

MBA Students (left to right): Patricia Boada, Eduardo Mora, Óscar Kolster.


Estudiante MBA: Rolando Pasquel.

MBA Student: Rolando Pasquel.


Estudiantes MBA (izquierda a derecha): María Fajardo, Rosa Barrios, María Sergent, Dayra Quintero, Zadick Samudio, Vanesa Londoño.

MBA Students (left to right): María Fajardo, Rosa Barrios, María Sergent, Dayra Quintero, Zadick Samudio, Vanesa Londoño.


De izquierda a derecha: Luis Lee, Prof. José Sapag, Prof. Oscar León, Prof. Eduardo Torres, Prof. Mauricio Jara.

From left to right: Luis Lee, Prof. José Sapag, Prof. Oscar León, Prof. Eduardo Torres, Prof. Mauricio Jara.


Estudiantes MBA: Judith Fraguela & Adriana Zelaya.

MBA Students: Judith Fraguela & Adriana Zelaya.


Estudiantes MBA (izquierda a derecha): Ricardo Arosemena, Luis Lasso, René Ayala, Roberto Salterio, Nisla Leguísamo, Alejandra López, Luis Lee.

MBA Students (left to right): Ricardo Arosemena, Luis Lasso, René Ayala, Roberto Salterio, Nisla Leguísamo, Alejandra López.

Quality Leadership University Signs an Agreement With ENSA

Quality Leadership University has signed an agreement with ENSA, between the representatives of QLU, President Oscar Leon, and of ENSA, the Special Representative Teresa Rodríguez.

firma convenio ensa y qlu panama

October 8th – Free International Conference for Managers

Free International Conference for Managers

Consulting Services to increase the capacity of the business and to resolve business problems

Free International Conference for Managers

Date: October 8th, 2015

Hour: from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Place: University of Louisville Panamá, Calle 45 Bella Vista, Salón 302

Idioma: English


[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-free-international-conference-for-managers-18861436063″ target=”blank” ]Register Online[/button]

The Director of QLU visits the School of Business and Economy of Towson University

The Director of Quality Leadership University – QLU Magister Oscar León and the Dean of the School of Business and Economy of Towson University, Dra. Shoreh Kaynama in front of the Investments class at Towson University.

Visita Oscar León Towson

In their meeting, they reaffirmed the academic cooperation agreement to offer the Bachelor in Business Administration with a Major in International Business.

Visita Oscar León Towson 2015

Towson University is the second largest university from the State of Maryland Education System, which has 150 years of offering quality education.

English Program for Career Success Graduation Ceremony

English Program for Career Success Graduation Ceremony. August 26, 2015.

Level 10 Graduates: Astried Argote, Doralis Arjona, Juan Carlos Batista, Melva Beltran, Maria Eugenia Boet, Marlene Brid, Andrés Daza, Melvin Espinoza, Tomás Jaen, José Manuel Lebrón, Omar Navarro, José Angel Padilla, Milena Rodríguez, Lina Rosero, Ingrid Yañez

“Be a student as long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life.”
– Henry L. Doherty

- Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville 2 - Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville 3 - Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville 5 - Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville Andres Daza - Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville Astried Argote - Cursos de Ingles en Panama University of louisville Cursos de Ingles para el exito profesional en Panama University of louisville Cursos de Ingles para el exito profesional en Panama University of louisville 2 Cursos de Ingles para el exito profesional en Panama University of louisville 4 Doralis Arjona gr13 gr15 gr20 gr21 gr22 gr23 gr24 gr25 gr27 gr28 gr29 gr31 gr32 Ingrid Yañez Jose Angel Padilla Jose Manuel Lebron Juan Carlos Batista Lina Rosero Maria Eugenia Roet Marlene Brid Melva Beltran Melvin Espinoza Milena Rodriguez Omar Navarro Tomas Jaen

Student Research Competition 2015

Participate in our First Annual Student Research Competition and you could win an iPad mini or the cash equivalent!

Captura de pantalla 2015-09-06 a las 0.52.33

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://qlu.ac.pa/english//wp-content/uploads/2015/09/concurso-de-investigacion-20151.pdf” target=”blank” ]Download the contest rules[/button]

Students participate in Fall 2015 outdoor training

Students from bachelor degree program participate in the Fall 2015 outdoor training “Developing Leadership and Teamwork Skills”.Developing Leadership and Teamwork Skills Licenciaturas Panama

National treasure found: Early version of ‘Happy Birthday’ song discovered at UofL

The only known manuscript of Louisville native Mildred Hill’s song “Good Morning to All,” which evolved into the world-famous “Happy Birthday” song, was recently uncovered in the Dwight Anderson Memorial Music Library at the University of Louisville. Read more…

International Conference “Effective Methods for Teaching English”

This week begins the International Conference “Effective Methods for Teaching English” by Dr. Christa Kleine, TESOL professor at Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore, MD, USA, at our university.

Conferencia Effective Methods for Teaching English Christa de Kleine profesora de TESOL Panama


A nice entry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Read more