QLU & FIU Business invite you to “Meet our MBAs”



Connect to Success! Meet Our MBAs

Join QLU & FIU Business for an exclusive opportunity to network with representatives from Panama’s leading companies and professional organizations. Showcase your skills, meet, mingle and explore future career opportunities.

Tuesday, October 25, 6:00pm

The Syxth at RIU Hotel Panama Plaza

Calle 50, Panamá, Panama


Companies invited: Global Bank, Banco General, Banco Panamá, Dell, Adidas, Microsoft, Panama Canal Authority, Philips, Nestlé, 3M, City of Knowledge, P&G, Copa Airlines

Executive Recruiting Firms: AMROP, Platino, ECADE

Professional Institutions:AMCHAM (American Chamber of Commerce), APEDE (Association of Business Executives of Panama), ANREH (Association of HR Professionals of Panama)




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