Student Life

Being a student is not easy, yet being a student in Quality Leadership University makes the difference. We all as students from QLU love our university because of its environment, attention, concern of the professors about their students and many other things. The attention we received  as students and also the knowledge is unique.


I had the experience to go to a university in the United States, University of Miami, and I cannot even compare it to the life I have in QLU. I came back to Panama because I was feeling alone and unhappy. When I came back and I resumed my studies at QLU, I felt happy again.


At QLU I feel so comfortable, every morning I am received with a good morning and a good attitude. Besides this, all the students are like a family to me. I consider all my classmates, my friends. I didn´t have that in Miami, I didn´t even know the people that were in the classes with me. Not everything is perfection, besides all the good things, I am sometimes struggling with some classes as many students ere, but our professors are always concerned about helping us to improve and to make us understand everything.


Me as a student, I also have other tasks during my days, so sometimes I feel like crazy because I have a lot of assignments. My solution when I am feeling like that is to organize myself and try to do some things with anticipation.


I love being a student and this stage of my life is almost finishing because I am concluding my studies in May 2019. I have gone through ups and downs which have made me the person I am nowadays. For me, QLU has an important place in my life and in my heart. Here as a student, I have learned the sense of sharing with my classmates, having good relationships with them, the professors and even the people that work at the university in different departments. This experience I have lived is the best one of all, and I will always appreciate it and have it with me in my mind and my heart.

Written by: Carmen Teresa Boyd

Campus Culture at QLU

College life is more than attending classes, studying and taking exams. Obtaining a university degree at least with the new degrees takes four years of your life, a lot of time that if organized, it gives a lot of free time. You must dedicate to your academic tasks the same amount of time you would devote to a full-time job, a minimum of 40 hours a week. Estimate that you will spend an average of 2 additional hours for each hour you spend in class. The balance will vary according to the subject, however, you will do much of the most difficult work in the library or your bedroom.


Some people think that basically the university is an opportunity to be free. Others believe that the subjects are the only priority. Many people are likely to be at a midpoint. Whatever your position, there will be other people who think like you. Do not feel under pressure to drink or do anything you do not want to. Taking this into account, remember that the university is the stage in which you learn to be an adult on your own. Make decisions that match your values and make you feel happy. Keep in mind that, on occasions you and your parents (or other authority figures) may disagree, and there is no problem with that.


University is learning, culture, relationships with colleagues and having fun, too. Not only will you have fun, yet you will also develop your ability to deal with different people, keep an organization, etc. You might even notice later that you use these skills and experiences in your profession. One of the channels for students to participate in university life is through the associations of university students. There are some groups of purely cultural, social or sporting nature, while others take a tinge more related to representation and student participation.


This will more than often become the stage of your life in which you have the greatest opportunities to learn from people from totally different backgrounds. You will be very lucky to have access to it, so take advantage of it. Attend classes with a multicultural approach. Attend cultural events and conferences on campus. All this will broaden your perspective and will be useful to determine your own values. Even if you get to keep your ideas firmly, it is good to know the opinion of others.

Written by: Jarielys Jones

QLU´s Summer 2018 Dean List

Keeping students motivated at college is not an easy task. All the homework, essays, exams and presentations make us be stressed all the time. Everybody loves to receive recognition, and students are not the exception. That´s why QLU rewards the students with the highest academic GPA at the university.

This reward consists of a ceremony held every semester to reward the effort of the previous semester. The dean´s list is the name of those students that have the highest GPA. The last ceremony was held on November 22nd, at QLU´s event room. The ceremony always wants to give students a motivation speech with special guests. In this case, the South Korean Min Seok Kang from the International Institute for the Intellectual Development was invited to address a motivational speech to the students.

After the motivational speech by Mr. Seok, our dean addressed some remarks and the delivery of the dean list certificate was started. But the ceremony did not end like that, as in any other ceremony there was lunch provided by the university to give a last reward to the students that did their best on the previous semester.

Written by: Juan Ching

Los Clubes de Quality Leadership Unversity

Todos los años en la Universidad de QLU vemos muchos talento por parte de nuestros estudiantes. Gracias a su talento, capacidad y disciplina, empezaron a formar clubes dentro del campus Universitario. Hoy día contamos 3 clubes, los cuales son: Performance Club, Quality News y Club de Debate.

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Dean’s List Spring 2018

In this university, we strive for quality in everything we do. The Dean’s list mentions all students who
academically stand out with a minimum GPA of 3.5. They have not achieved only what is needed to pass
a class, they have also worked with time and dedication, making sure every assignment is turned in with
good substance and presentation. Take a look at the quality students who excelled in Spring 2018:
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Los Últimos de Towson

La graduación. Sin duda, un momento emocional para todos los estudiantes, es la culminación de sus estudios y el comienzo de una nueva etapa en sus vidas. Este 10 de diciembre QLU celebrará esta importante celebración. Sin embargo, esta ceremonia será especial para los graduandos de la Universidad de Towson, ya que ellos serán la última promoción de esta prestigiosa institución.

Towson es la 12va universidad pública más grande de los Estados Unidos y ha estado asociada con QLU por 10 años. Ofrecían la carrera de Administración de Empresas con énfasis en Negocios Internacionales para todos los estudiantes que deseaban terminar su carrera en Panamá. Además, también brindaban la oportunidad de transferirse a su campus principal localizado en la ciudad de Baltimore, donde podían escoger de su gran variedad de carreras y programas educativos.

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La Nueva Universidad

QLU siempre ha sido una institución caracterizada por sus fuertes alianzas con universidades extranjeras reconocidas a nivel mundial. Con la partida de Towson, QLU formó una nueva alianza con la prestigiosa ISU (Illinois State University), quienes a partir de este año ofrecerán la carrera de Negocios Internacionales en Panamá.

ISU es una universidad pública ubicada en la pequeña ciudad de Normal, Illinois, que con una población que apenas supera los 100 mil habitantes, es una de las mejores ciudades para estudiar una carrera universitaria. Para los estudiantes que deseen transferirse, sin duda su ubicación hará de esta una decisión más sencilla y mucho más atractiva.

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