Yellow Is The New Black

As the New Year arrived, so did many other influences and instances in our lives, which have caused us to take note. A few such as politics, the entertainment industry and others have had an impact on fashion today. This time a new trend has emerged and so far, it seems it’s come to stay. It is wearing yellow clothing. In fact, it’s known that this color is associated with happiness and joy, which is why this color might be attractive for a lot of people. For many, this is a bold color, and a statement piece you might say, but, do not worry. Today, I’m going to give you some tips, so your outfits are on point and of course your pictures look Instagram worthy, because yellow seems to be the new black and it’s not going back.

  1. When looking for a professional look, mix it with black to keep it bold, but classy.
  2. If you want to go for a more sunny/day time look, you can mix it with white, to have that fresh look.
  3. Try and not mix outfits to combine yellow and another bright color, since this will only make you lose the sense of classiness in your outfit.

Written by: By Gabriella Nicolas

Fun or Interesting Facts: Character

Character: the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. Did you understand? Well, if you didn´t, I´ll be discussing what I suppose makes up the components of a human´s character. Each person in this immense world has a different character based on their values or ethics. I believe we all gain several characteristics from the people that surround us. In fact, scientists have proven this to be true.

One of the facts that most caught my attention was the effect that building strengths leads to happiness and well- being. In other words, one thing leads to another. In fact, Frank Outlaw says: “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny”. This quote couldn´t describe my thoughts more in just a few words.

In my opinion, this quote should be in everyone´s sights. In my reasoning, sometimes we don´t notice what our characteristics can persuade us to do, with this phrase in mind many of us can avoid innumerable problems.

Many of our qualities are created during life experiences. For instance, if we gain confidence in ourselves. Whereas, if we lose it, we generate low self-esteem and lose our courage along with other traits. So, what´s the solution? As said before, the answer is to keep practicing. None of us are born with everything, we have to polish ourselves until we shine bright. More importantly, we always need to believe in ourselves.

I can relate to this because throughout my life I have learned that to acquire certain mannerisms. I have to have perseverance! Not only that, but my secret to victory is patience. Providing that, I consider myself a person with a growth mindset. This mind in particular is one that is able to change its way of thinking and is open to new ideas.

As I wrote this paper, I noticed how easy it is to explain everything as to how hard it is to apply it. Structuring myself has never been a walk in the park, but with these techniques I know it will be easier. As a matter of fact, I believe all these techniques are essential for anyone´s daily life. Furthermore, I hope that anyone who reads this article can get facts that will be beneficial to their character.

By: Anonymous

Guiltfree, “lo mejor de emprender desde 0 cuando eres joven es que a medida que el proyecto crece y te equivocas, tú vas creciendo con él.”

Nour Tehfe, estudiante de administración de empresas en negocios internacionales. La experiencia se adquiere cada día, sin necesidad de estarla buscando porque proviene de sus pasiones y de la forma en la que ocupa su tiempo libre.

QLU news: ¿Cómo comenzó guiltfree?

Nour Tehfe: Guiltfree empezo bajo mi necesidad de comer dulces todos los días mientras lograba mis objetivos de perder peso y ganar masa muscular. Que por lo visto era casi imposible lograrlo. Ahí decidí crear una alternativa de postres más sanos y ricos. Si, existían ya dulces sanos… Pero no les percibía el dulce. Al principio empecé porque yo lo necesitaba, a medida que creaba más recetas me animaba a seguir intentando, cuando un familiar me dijo que debería llevar mi talento al siguiente nivel, pensé ¿Por qué no? Es una forma de hacer lo que me gusta, ayudar a los demás y ganaría dinero por eso.

Además mi inversión sería disposición, tiempo, materiales de cocina y mucha paciencia; Lo cual estaba dispuesta a invertir. No fue fácil ni tampoco fue un talento que me dio Dios, cada una de mis recetas nació de por lo menos 3 a 8 fracasos. Mi primer fracaso fueron unas “galletas de chocolate” completamente incomibles, y la receta que más me costó fueron los brownies; porque insistía que quería que se parecieran los originales. Luego con el tiempo fui mejorando recetas y a manejar mejor el marketing de fotos normales en mi cocina, decidí dedicarle más a esta área, porque al final, todos sabemos que la comida entra por los ojos. Y NO, no tengo talento para las fotos, cada foto que está publicada me toma de 30 a 60 minutos sacar una buena toma, de 10-15 minutos escoger la indicada y otros 10 minutos editándola.

QLU news: ¿Qué fue lo más difícil de emprender?

Nour Tehfe: Lo más difícil fue empezar, porque uno nunca quiere ponerse en esa situación. Cuando hablo de esa situación me refiero a varios puntos;

¿Como reaccionará el público?

¿Les gustará el concepto?

¿Como emprender un negocio cuando no se nada de negocios?

Sacar presupuestos, fijar costos, crear branding, entre otras cosas.

¿Y si no funciona?

Al final me tiré al vacío de lo desconocido y pensé riesgo/beneficio. Y era más el beneficio.

QLU news: ¿Cómo te sientes de ser tan joven y tener un proyecto propio?

NT: ¡Me siento genial! Es algo por lo cual te quieres despertar temprano y dormir tarde. Comúnmente los jóvenes divagamos mucho pensando en que hacer con nuestras vidas y mientras no hacemos nada, me di cuenta que lo mejor es hacer de todo hasta encontrar que es lo que te apasiona. Guiltfree es una de esas cosas para mí, y lo mejor de emprender desde 0 cuando eres joven es que a medida que el proyecto crece y te equivocas, tú vas creciendo con él en un ámbito profesional, adquieres más experiencia que te servirá en un futuro para negocios mayores y evitas los errores pequeños. Lo mejor de los fracasos es entenderlos, porque si los aprovechas al máximo no volverás a equivocarte en lo mismo.

Escrito por: Yurian Equiz

Un San Valentín diferente

Los 14 de febrero de suelen ser fechas donde mostramos nuestro aprecio a las personas cercanas a nosotros. Familia, amigos y parejas aprovechan esta fecha para comprar regalos, flores y demás a esas personas especiales. En QLU, al Performance Club se le ocurrió la brillante idea de vender rosas, chocolates y serenatas a los estudiantes. Los mismos podían dedicarle algo a esa persona especial o incluso hacer bromas con ello.

La actividad resultó ser muy buena, ya que muchas personas hicieron pedidos de diversos tipos. Los chicos del Performance hicieron todos los encargos en medio de las clases, entrando a los salones y llevando alegría y amor a cada clase que entraban. Entre las canciones que los estudiantes podían pedir estaban: “Just The Way You Are” (Bruno Mars), “Yo tengo tu love” (Sie7e), “Perfect” (Ed Sheeran), entre otras. Luego, en el receso, los miembros del grupo nos deleitaron con un par de canciones en los pasillos de la universidad, para luego seguir repartiendo su talento entre las clases.

Sin duda fue una actividad especial que los estudiantes disfrutaron. También sirvió para que el Performance Club se siguiera dando a conocer y demostrar que en la Universidad hay talento. Seguro tendremos más eventos así en el futuro para tener más interacción y hacer actividades diferentes en Quality Leadership University.


Escrito por: Luis A. Arauz

New Year’s Resolutions..All Lies


Don’t get caught up in the hype of making New Year’s resolutions. You’re lying to yourself for the most part and will not commit. Why, do you ask? Because usually these resolutions are unrealistic goals that are borrowed and/or copied from unattainable and unrelatable sources.

What to do if you want to make changes.

Think about your life and what you want from it. Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to be more proactive in your professional and personal life? Then start with a small steps and eventually your steps will turn into a brisk walk and ultimately a run. This is what you call movement towards progress.

If you want to be healthier, exercise, eat less junk food, drink more water etc. Beginning small in this case refers to creating a day to day momentum of completing goals so you can start off by limiting the amount of junk food that you eat, lessening the amount each day. Then eventually, you’ll end up eating it may be twice a week, then once and finally none at all. The key is not to deprive yourself of what you love completely, but to lessen the dosage as you go along. This is a realistic and healthy goal.

An achievable goal.

Always be positive and have a good attitude despite the things that happen, because life is what we make it. As we usher in 2019, let us always count our blessings and be grateful.

Someone sent me this idea below which I believe is a very healthy way to begin the year. Hopefully you’ll dare to be up for the challenge and have a grateful year.

Written by: Shaunette Bailey

Beware of Your Smartphone!


A smartphone has evidently become a very important part of our lives since we invest most of our time using it for the innumerable benefits it provides us. We surely feel that smartphones are the best creation in technology so far, but do we know that this amazing device has several threats for its users?





Reason: While in a call, it is quite natural to stick our phones to our ears. This may seem like something obvious that someone would do, but we do not realize that while doing so we are allowing the smartphone’s radiation to get very close to our brains. This dangerous habit is the reason that can cause cancer to handphone users.

The solution: The way to avoid this is by using alternate methods of attending a call such as by using the speakerphone option or by using headphones. If that may yet feel inconvenient, you must at least keep your phone two inches away from your ear.


Eyestrain, Headache

Reason: Eyestrain or a headache may seem obvious to many as well since a smartphone’s usage involves looking at its screen repeatedly. We use these devices occasionally for watching videos or sometimes watching movies, and this makes us keep our eyes stuck to the screen for several minutes or even hours at times.

The solution: We must keep the cellphone at least 16 inches away from our eyes for them not to get strained. Another practice we must start is to look away from the screen for a few seconds at least every 3 to 5 minutes rather than looking at the screen continously without any break.


Lowered Sperm Count, DNA Damage

Reason: Since our smartphones are so dear to us, our natural instinct is to always keep this precious device as close to us as possible, but what we do not realize is that when people, especially men, keep their phones in their pocket, they are allowing its radiations to reach their testicles which can damage their DNA and can lower their sperm count as well.

The solution: Keep your handphone away from your pocket. Women can always carry a small bag in which their phone should be kept.


Disturbed Sleep

Reason: Most of us have the bad habit of keeping our phones beside us while we sleep. This may be because we want to hear the alarm, or we want to be pending of any message or call. This again keeps radiation closer to our brain and causes parts of our brain to still be active. This, in turn, causes a disturbed sleep.

The solution: Keep your phone away from your bed as much as possible and avoid using it at least 2 hours before going to sleep.


Text Neck Spinal Issue

Reason: Since smartphones are small devices, it forces us to constantly keep our necks down in order to look at its screen. This curved position of the neck done repeatedly for a large amount of time can cause a spinal issue which is nowadays known as Text Neck. This issue can cause you permanent neck pain if a curing step is not taken.

The solution: Keep your phone at an eye level rather than keeping it on your lap. This avoids you from curving down your neck to see your cellphone.

These are some out of the several major threats smartphones can have. Everything in excess is bad, and so it goes for cellphone usage. Apart from practicing these preventive measures mentioned, you must control the amount of time you spend using these. It may be difficult to be away from your phone due to the craze of social media, which has caused many to cultivate a fear called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), but if you try hard, everything is possible. Entertainment through a smartphone is a short-term pleasure, whereas a healthy life is a long term one.  Do not allow cellphones to change from a blessing into a curse. We made smartphones to help us, not to deteriorate us. Let us be smart, let us take this small step towards a healthier lifestyle!


Written by: Puja Kishinani  

Who Would Have Thought?

Have you ever pictured yourself in a shining armor? Fending foes for the sake of your kingdom? Born in a different part of the world, maybe; honoring the tradition of your people? Or just sharing your dinner table with some strangers that are familiar enough to call you friendly nicknames?

Just imagine. Cultures around the world celebrate the coming of age with rituals and traditions that have great meaning for them. They use body paint, dancing, and even demonic masks. It represents a new stage in their lives and they treat it like so in their own special way? Do you recall what you did to celebrate adulthood? Don’t worry if you don’t remember, some of us spent the aftermath clutching a pitcher of water and some Tylenol.

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Data is a new oil

According to speeches by Fortune 500 CEO, and the world leader that "data is the new
oil". In the contemporary era of information revolution, data can generate a great amount
of value. As World Economic Forum states, 40 zettabytes of data will be created in the
next two years (World Economic Forum, 2018).

So, Computer data is basically the information processed or stored by a computer. The
information can exist in forms of images, audio clips, texts doxcuments, software
programs etc. If we explain that in the basic level, computer data is a bundle of ones and
zeros called binary data. As the binary data has a format in all computer, it can be created,
processed, saved and stored digitally. It makes it possible for the data to be transferred
from one device to another using network connections or various media devices. Hence, it
also not deteriorate over time or lose quality after being used multiple times.

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