Social Problems Course hosts an HIV/AIDS Awareness Conference

On the fall semester of 2018, the students taking the Social Problems course, instructed by Professor Andrea Miranda, hosted a conference on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. The title of the conference is “La Lucha por la Prevención del VIH, Sida y la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Panamá”. The students have been working on this conference since the beginning of the semester and all their hard work was going to be presented on November 14th, 2018 in the room 302 at 10:00 A.M. The conference was based on a panel structure and the honorable guests were asked specific open-ended questions and they had to answer accordingly.

The representative of PROBIDSIDA was Orlando Quintero, founder of the foundation. He started his campaign back in 1999 with 10 patients. There are about 11,000 patients now. They work to help diagnose and treat the victims who are affected by the VIH virus. Dr. Quintero explained what kills people is not getting diagnosed. The fear of knowing if a person is infected with the virus. He also explained how the virus is transmitted and how it is treated. Nowadays there are a lot of ways of treating the virus to the point that it is not transmittable.

There is a difference between HIV and AIDS. The initial phase is VIH and it is not what kills the individual, yet AIDS is the real cause of death because it erases any possibility of your immune system to protect your body from any virus or disease. Mr. Quintero also explained that a lot of victims commit suicide. The virus attacks the reproduction of immune cells that protect the body from getting viruses or diseases. PROBIDSIDA focuses on the public in general but mainly people who lack financial resources. They go all around the countryside and help treat patients that cannot afford to go to the city or do not have medical care in their communities.

The representative of AID for AIDs, Milagros Caballeros, explained that the foundation is meant to be for the youth. They help them with medical care as well as mental care. Mrs. Caballeros believes that mental health is really important because these children and young teens do not know what is happening and it could trigger their mental health. She also said that since the virus cannot be seen at simple sight, it is difficult to know which child has HIV. Also, a lot of schools in Panama are very discriminative. Since children are very innocent and could be harmed easily by insults, their mental health and emotional stability is affected. Many students are mistreated or even told to drop out of school because of their condition. Schools say that they must use a different bathroom, different eating utensils, and even away from other children. HIV is not easily transmitted so it is not fair that young children are treated so badly due to the ignorance of staff.

This conference was very eye-opening and really taught me so much about HIV/AIDs. I did not know that Panama had so many cases of HIV! Another fact that astonished me was that Dr. Orlando Quintero was Professor Maria Alejandra´s father. This is something that shocked us and kept us very interested. This presentation was full of knowledge and intention. I really enjoyed listening to everything he had to say. He gave us very valuable information that not only we should know but the entire country and the world. I am grateful and proud of my Social Problems class for organizing such a thoughtful and engaging conference. I hope that more conferences like this one are hosted by the university.

Written by: Carlo Huang

Eye-opening Conference And Job Fair at Quality Leadership University

A psychologist held a conference during Quality Leadership University’s career week opening with her confused and regretful feeling of her degree during her junior year at university alarmed the students that were attending the conference.

Magister and psychologist Carla Pino started this conference explaining the struggles she went through as a college students and then as a full time psychologist. However, she then described the little steps she took to climb the ladder of life towards her dream job, which involved attending patients.

The way she started the speech did captivate the students worryful attention, however, she then swiftly drifted to her main topic which was also the title of her presentation, El Poder de Tu Marca Personal (The Power of your Personal Brand). She explained that in order to achieve your goals, you will have to surpass a series of obstacles. One of the things she learned during her experiences is that one must build their image. “Your name is your product,” she explained, “you are your brand.” The rest of the conference was centered in this topic.

Pino explained that the reason this is important is because the world is full of people and it is necessary for us to stand out in order to reach places. You need to sell yourself as if you were a brand, she explained. According to her experiences, she expressed that there is a lot of competition out there. And, in order to get to places, as we graduate, we need to understand that we need to be niches, or in other words stand out among the crowd.

One of the students interviewed after the conference expressed that she needed this speech. She mentioned, that not many adults explain students about the real world they are supposed to face after university life. And, speeches like these ones are very inspirational and helpful for students.

The following day, on Thursday, October 11, the university held its job fair. Countless companies participated in the fair. Some of these companies included big multinationals, such as Philips, Dell, Maersk, Copa and many more. Non-profit organizations were also present in the fair. These companies, as advised by the university, were mainly offering internships for junior and senior students. They were also prepared and aware that most of these students were lacking any type of experience.

A participant from the fair was interviewed. She mentioned that the fair was very interesting and helpful for her as a junior student since she was able to apply to five companies for the internship program she must fulfill in order to graduate. However, she mentioned, that there were fewer companies this time than there were in the last job fairs. For instance, companies, like Procter & Gamble, that regularly participated in these fairs were not present this year. “I wish they had more multinational companies that offered internships in administrative areas,” she expressed.

Written by: Yashica Nagrani

Nace el nuevo periódico de QLU: “Quality News”

La prensa y el manejo de información es considerada como el “cuarto poder mundial”. Esto es debido al impacto que tienen los medios de comunicación en la sociedad, opinión pública, gobiernos, etc. Aparte de todo eso, también hay una rama de la prensa que informa a pequeños grupos o a una institución en específico y va dirigida a las personas que rodean a la misma. Puede ser en empresas, bancos, instituciones públicas entre otras. En nuestro caso, nuestro campo es un centro educativo, nuestra universidad: Quality Leadership University.

En nuestra universidad siempre han habido diversos tipos de actividades, logros y momentos destacables que los estudiantes lastimosamente no se llegan a enterar. Viendo toda esta situación, un grupo de estudiantes formamos Quality News, un medio de prensa propio de la universidad manejada cien por ciento por los nuestros. Nuestro objetivo es informar sobre lo que ocurra en la universidad tanto en institución como con los estudiantes en sí. Todo esto de una forma interactiva, que a los estudiantes les guste y puedan motivarse a leer o unirse al club.

En Quality News podrán ver información de todo tipo. Desde secciones como vida universitaria, emprendimiento, datos actuales y mucho más. Los estudiantes fuera del club también podrán ayudar enviando notas, ensayos, anuncios y demás. También contaremos con artículos tanto en inglés como en español, para que personas de ambos idiomas puedan leer lo que ocurre en nuestro día a día. Eso es lo que somos, eso es Quality News. Un periódico de los estudiantes para los estudiantes.

Escrito por: Luis Arauz

¿Qué pasó en Octubre?

El décimo mes del año trajo consigo oportunidades de aprendizaje y crecimiento para estudiantes y personal académico y administrativo, al estar inmerso en alrededor de 36 actividades. La que mayor reconocimiento obtuvo fue el Job Fair and Career Week, actividad en la que los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de entregar sus hojas de vidas y compartir con representantes de departamentos de recursos humanos de varias de las empresas más reconocidas de Panamá, así como participar en las conferencias gratuitas que se realizaron durante esa semana. Sin embargo, octubre también fue el mes de inicio para varios programas académicos como los cursos de inglés y talleres de preparación para el TOEFL, los cuales están al alcance del estudiantado para que refuercen o mejores sus habilidades comunicativas en inglés. Entre otras actividades, Fórum de Neuromarketing y la Convocatoria de Becas para los programas de maestrías que contó con la participación de más de 80 personas.

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Career Week and Job Fair

La semana del 8 al 11 de Octubre del presente año se llevó a cabo el “Career Week and Job Fair”. Esta actividad se realiza con el fin de ayudar a nuestros estudiantes actuales a conseguir pasantías y a los egresados, a conseguir empleos. La semana se clasificó en conferencias, la feria de empleo y en sesiones para revisar las hojas de vidas de nuestros estudiantes y egresados.

El día lunes 8, se dictó la conferencia “Trabajar y Ser Feliz”. El expositor fue el Ingeniero Néstor Romero, quien es el director de los programas online de QLU y el CEO de Riverthia. Romero tocó temas como el miedo, la definición de la felicidad, las ventajas que tienen las personas felices, las hormonas de la felicidad y cómo funciona nuestro cerebro con respecto al sentimiento de felicidad, culpabilidad y miedo. Una frase del Ing. Romero a resaltar es “si no te gusta tu realidad, abrázala”. Así como no podemos escoger a nuestros familiares, tampoco se puede escoger a las personas que trabajarán contigo. Por lo tanto, debemos cambiar nuestra actitud de cara a las personas tóxicas, ellos no pueden tener control sobre nuestra felicidad. Además, con una experiencia personal nos contó cómo la felicidad es la que atrae el dinero, no al revés.

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Dr. Tim Longfellow en Panamá


El decano Asociado de la Escuela de Negocios de Illinois State University, estuvo de visita en Panamá los días 15, 16 y 17 de octubre. El objetivo de su visita fue ayudar en el proceso de reclutamiento para el MBA ofrecido por dicha universidad en convenio con Quality Leadership University. Por esta razón, estuvo haciendo entrevistas a postulantes y potenciales estudiantes para saber cuáles son sus expectativas, explicar de qué trata el programa, el costo y cualquier otra duda que pudiesen tener. Dr. Tim, también tuvo la oportunidad de dictar una sesión informativa y asistir a un Business Lunch con otro grupo de prospectos.

Además del trabajo llevado a cabo con el departamento de maestrías, Dr. Longfellow pudo visitar a estudiantes de licenciaturas en clases como Spanish for the Workplace y Accounting I, dictados por los profesores Yasmel Chavarría y Eloy Nuñez, respectivamente, para aclarar y responder cualquier duda por parte de los estudiantes del programa de licenciaturas de International Business.

Los Últimos de Towson

La graduación. Sin duda, un momento emocional para todos los estudiantes, es la culminación de sus estudios y el comienzo de una nueva etapa en sus vidas. Este 10 de diciembre QLU celebrará esta importante celebración. Sin embargo, esta ceremonia será especial para los graduandos de la Universidad de Towson, ya que ellos serán la última promoción de esta prestigiosa institución.

Towson es la 12va universidad pública más grande de los Estados Unidos y ha estado asociada con QLU por 10 años. Ofrecían la carrera de Administración de Empresas con énfasis en Negocios Internacionales para todos los estudiantes que deseaban terminar su carrera en Panamá. Además, también brindaban la oportunidad de transferirse a su campus principal localizado en la ciudad de Baltimore, donde podían escoger de su gran variedad de carreras y programas educativos.

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