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Guiltfree empezo bajo mi necesidad de comer dulces todos los días mientras lograba mis objetivos de perder peso y ganar masa muscular. Que por lo visto era casi imposible lograrlo. Ahí decidí crear una alternativa de postres más sanos y ricos. Si, existían ya dulces sanos… Pero no les percibía el dulce. Al principio empecé porque yo lo necesitaba, a medida que creaba más recetas me animaba a seguir intentando, cuando un familiar me dijo que debería llevar mi talento al siguiente nivel, pensé ¿Por qué no? Es una forma de hacer lo que me gusta, ayudar a los demás y ganaría dinero por eso.

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A smartphone has evidently become a very important part of our lives since we invest most of our time using it for the innumerable benefits it provides us. We surely feel that smartphones are the best creation in technology so far, but do we know that this amazing device has several threats for its users?

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As the New Year arrived, so did many other influences and instances in our lives, which have caused us to take note. A few such as politics, the entertainment industry and others have had an impact on fashion today. This time a new trend has emerged and so far, it seems it’s come to stay. It is wearing yellow clothing. In fact, it’s known that this color is associated with happiness and joy, which is why this color might be attractive for a lot of people. For many, this is a bold color, and a statement piece you might say, but, do not worry. Today, I’m going to give you some tips, so your outfits are on point and of course your pictures look Instagram worthy, because yellow seems to be the new black and it’s not going back.

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