Application form
Global trading is growing at an extraordinary speed and is influencing the way businesses do business, it is of the utmost importance to understand different cultures and how business is conducted abroad. Students who specialize in business management with an emphasis on international business will acquire the skills necessary to take advantage of emerging opportunities in a global marketplace and develop an understanding of the strategies used by multinational corporations and how to manage an intercultural environment.
Ed. Gen. 100 | Orientation to University Life |
Psic. 201 | Introduction to Psychology |
Mat. 111 | University Algebra |
Inglés 101 | Introduction to University Deed |
Com. 112 | Professional and Business Oral Skills |
Hist. 102 | History of Panama |
Inglés 102 | Intermediate University Writing and Writing |
Geo. 200 | Environmental Studies |
Biol. 102 | Introduction to Biological Sciences |
Biol. 104 | Intr. Laboratory To the Biological Sciences |
Sist.Inf. 100 | Applications of the Microcomputer |
Cont. 201 | Principle of Accounting I |
SPAN 323 | Spanish |
Mat. 180 | Introduction to Calculus |
Inglés 306 | Business Writing |
Cont. 202 | Principles of Accounting II |
Teatro.324 | Performance |
C. Pol. 399 | Political Aspects of Latin America |
Geo 101 | Geography of Panama |
Fil. 325 | Ethics in Business |
Adm 201 | Business Statistics |
Econ. 201 | Principles of Microeconomics |
Fil. 311 | Introduction to Logic |
Econ. 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
Sist. Inf.300 | Computational Information Systems |
Leg. C. 301 | Legal Environment in Business |
Adm. 401 | Operations Management |
Adm. 361 | Introduction to Management |
Merc. 301 | Marketing Principles |
End. 301 | Corporate Finance |
Adm. 375 | International Business |
Adm. 340 | Entrepreneurship |
Merc. 355 | Market Research |
Lit. 340 | Global Literature |
ECON 320 | Comparison of Economic Policies |
FIN. 335 | International Finance |
Merc. 405 | Global Marketing |
Adm. 443 | Project Management |
Leg. C 361 | International Business Law |
Adm. 360 | Employee Management Multinational |
Merc. 480 | Graduation Project |
Adm. 470 d | Global Strategy |
Application form
High school credits with a minimum average of 3.5
High school diploma
Exam for certification of the level of english
Copy of personal Id document
Application Form
Official credits of all previously attended universities with a minimum of 1.5 / 3.0 or 2.0 / 4.0
Calle 45, Bella Vista, entre Avenida Justo Arosemena y Vía España, Ciudad de Panamá
Teléfono: (507) 264-0777
Horas: Lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. y los sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.