Printed and digital material
- Know what are the basic principles so that innovation can be achieved within the company.
- Identify the strengths and areas of improvement of the company to develop innovation.
- Discuss different success stories of Latin American companies that have stood out for their innovation.
- Establish mechanisms to develop innovation in the company.
- Understand effective methodologies to develop individual and group innovation competencies in the participants.
- Dynamics of Innovation in Latin America
- Alignment of the strategy with the types of innovation
- Strategic Innovation (innovation in business models)
- Central Aspects of Corporate Risk Capital
- Innovation ecosystems: Government, University and Business
- Visualization of strategic experiments
Juan Pablo Torres, Ph.D.
He is Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D) in Business Administration (Strategy) from Warwick Business School, Warwick University (England). He is a consultant on regional innovation issues for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, Washington), Chilean Production Development Corporation (CORFO), Government Laboratory and private companies. He is the author of the Book Dynamics of Innovation made in Latam. He has been visiting professor at the Administration and Innovation Department of University College London (England) and assistant professor at Warwick Business School (England). Before entering the academy, he was the founder of Reacción, a company that sought to develop devices to rehabilitate children with disabilities.
Exhibitions on the results of research conducted in Latin America on the subject of innovation, accompanied by practical cases, diagnostics and practical exercises to develop innovation.
It includes
Lunch and Coffee Break
Exemplary of the Book Dynamics of Innovation
Participation certificate
May 24, 2017
Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m.
8 hours
Request Information
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Calle 45, Bella Vista, entre Avenida Justo Arosemena y Vía España, Ciudad de Panamá
Teléfono: (507) 264-0777
Horas: Lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. y los sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.