LOUISVILLE, Ky. — U of L President Dr. James Ramsey has named Neville Pinto interim Executive Vice President and Provost, according to a news release. Pinto will replace Shirley Willihnganz who will step down from the positions on June 30. The provost is the university’s chief academic officer.
Pinto currently works as the dean for the J.B. Speed School of Engineering. “Dr. Pinto is passionate about teaching students in new ways and developing collaborations between academic units and community partners,” Dr. Ramsey said in a released statement. “He is highly respected by U of L faculty and is the perfect fit to keep U of L on the amazing trajectory Dr. Willihnganz helped start and sustain.” “I am honored to be asked to take on this new role,” Pinto said. “Under President Ramsey’s leadership, I look forward to building on the momentum that Provost Willihnganz has established during her distinguished tenure.”
Pinto has been the dean for the J.B. Speed School of Engineering and a professor of chemical engineering since Sept. 2011. He has helped lead the development of the 39-acre Belknap Engineering and Applied Sciences Research Park, which is being constructed behind the engineering school. Pinto will continue to lead the project while working as interim provost. Willihnganz will return to the U of L faculty once her time as provost is completed. Pinto will assume the provost position when Willihnganz steps down at the end of the academic year.
University of Louisville Panama, quiere Felicitar al Ingeniero Alfredo Roach, egresado de nuestra promoción del Master de Ingeniería Gerencial que ofrecemos con University of Louisville, por su decisión de continuar estudios a nivel de doctorado en SKEMA BSINESS SCHOOL, ubicada en Francia. Le deseamos éxitos en su avance academico.

Celebración y brindis del último día de clases de la Maestría en Administracion de Empresas de Florida International University – Quality Leadership University
Celebración y brindis del último día de clases de la Maestría en Administracion de Empresas de Florida International University – Quality Leadership University.
La Dra. Xiomara de Arrocha, Presidenta de AUPPA y el Dr. Modaldo Tunon, Director de INADEH firman convenio de colaboración. En la imagen, el Rector de QLU y Vice Presidente de AUPPA, Magister Oscar Leon, con Rectores de Universidades de la Asociación de Universidades Privadas de Panamá (AUPPA) y el Director de INADEH, Dr. Modaldo Tuñón.
Estimados Estudiantes,
Para aquellos apasionados con la generación de ideas para el diseño y creación de nuevos productos, la Speed School of Engineering de la Universidad de Louisville ha aceptado a la iniciativa First Build (www.firstbuild.com), la cual tiene el respaldo de la universidad y General Electric y es una empresa ubicada en el nuevo Parque de Investigación de The Institute for Product Realization fo the University, por lo cual si quieren contribuir sus ideas o ayudar a la co-creación de productos en el área de aplicaciones para el hogar (refrigeradoras, estufas, hornos, etc), pueden acceder al web site www.firstbuild.com y participar del mismo.
El rector Oscar León