Participation in the X National Human Resources Congress


On the 20th and 21st of October we participated as a Gold sponsor of the “X National Congress of Human Resources” event held by the National Association of Professional Human Resources of Panama (ANREH). Fulfilling its commitment to provide opportunities for learning and growth intellectual community of professional management talent in Panama and the region. This year, the Congress presented a showcase of top exhibitors that addressed issues of major global, regional and local relevance in Human Resources.

A raffle among the audience who came and visited our stand was made at the Congress. The event was held at Hotel RIU, in the city of Panama.

Congreso de Recursos Humanos Panamá

Erika Youngs of PanAm Generating, winner of a briefcase Florida International University (FIU)

Ganadora Congreso RRHH3Keren Chávez of Cervecería Nacional, winner of a briefcase Florida International University (FIU)

Congreso de Recursos Humanos

María Thelma de Garcia of MAFRE Seguros, happy winner of a tablet

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